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If you’re tired of seeing ads everywhere you go online, there’s a solution: use Pi-hole and Kubernetes to block them. Pi-hole is a free and open source software project that blocks internet ads and trackers, and Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. By running Pi-hole on top of Kubernetes, you can improve your network performance and save resources. Here’s how to do it.

How Pi-hole Works

Pi-hole on Raspberry Pi

Pi-hole works by redirecting DNS queries for known ad domains to a null IP address. This prevents ads from loading, because they rely on DNS to resolve the domain names of the servers they’re served from.

Pi-hole also blocks trackers, which are small pieces of code that send data about your browsing activity back to their home servers. This information is then used to target ads at you.

By blocking trackers, Pi-hole protects your privacy as well as saves you from having to see those pesky ads.

How Kubernetes Works

cd cloud logix Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool that allows you to run multiple containers simultaneously on a single host or cluster of hosts.

Containers are incredibly efficient because they allow you to package up an application with all of its dependencies and run it in isolation from other applications on the same host.

This means that you can run multiple versions of the same application on the same host without them conflicting with each other. It also means that you can move containers around easily between hosts without having to reconfigure them each time.

Running Pi-hole on Kubernetes

Now that you know how Pi-hole and Kubernetes work, let’s talk about how to run Pi-hole on top of Kubernetes.

The first thing you’ll need is a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or B+. You’ll also need an SD card with Raspbian Stretch Lite installed on it, as well as a USB power supply. Once you have all of that, follow the instructions in our tutorials:

Pi-hole and Kubernetes Guide | This guide is pretty advance


By running Pi-hole on top of Kubernetes, you can take advantage of the benefits of both technologies. Pi-hole will block ads and trackers, saving you time and bandwidth, while Kubernetes will improve your network performance by allowing you to run multiple containers simultaneously on a single host or cluster of hosts. Stop Adware in its tracks.